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      四会市实验学校合唱团成立于2015年,是一个充满阳光和朝气的团体。合唱团成立的当年5月,参加四会市第十届中小学生艺术节合唱比赛荣获小学组金奖;2016年6月参加肇庆市“童心向党”中小学生合唱比赛荣获小学组金奖;2017年5月参加四会市第十二届中小学生艺术节合唱比赛荣获小学组金奖。“小荷才露尖尖角” ,他们相信在社会各界的支持下,合唱团会拥有更美好的未来。 
A brief introduction to Sihui Experimental School Choir
 Sihui Municipal Experimental School Choira chorus group full of high spirit and vitality,was founded in 2015. 
Since its foundationit has engaged in many competitions and won prizes. In June 2016it was the golden award winner of the primary and secondary school chorus competition themed children’s love for Communist Party of China. In May 2017the choir participated in the 12th Sihui City Arts Festival Chorus Competition and won the gold award.
As a small but impressive chorus groupSihui Experimental School Choir is starting to emerge. It is believed that under the support from all circlesit will have a promising tomorrow.  

广东省四会市实验学校合唱团团长 张海芳

广东省四会市实验学校合唱团指挥 平黎明
